Our Board Members have a variety of interests and expertise in business, the arts, history, and education. Many of them serve as members or board members of other local community and historical organizations.
The monthly HOPS Board Meetings are not up to the public, but if you have business to discuss please bring it to the President’s attention prior to the meeting. Yearly meetings are held each January for all HOPS Members.
Looking to join the Board? CONTACT US
HOPS has always been a group of volunteers, committed to change. Whether on a large or small scale, our board is looking to make an impact on Ocala and its history.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed group of citizens can change the world. -- Margaret Mead
Our Board Members:
Lela Kerley – PRESIDENT
Linda Anker
Bryan Caracciola
Rebecca Dallman
Rebecca Drake
Sean Gallaway
Matthew Grow
Andrew Grunther
Lela Kerley
Trish Kilgore
Caryl Lucas
Rita Masters
Leslie McCullough
Penny Miller
Rick Perry
Dennis Phillips
Kathleen Ramirez
Bonnie Rodriguez
Pamela Stafford
Brian Stoothoff
Rhoda Walkup
Diana Williams
Holly Yocum